
Four local bachelor of science programmes accredited by HKIE for the first time
Jan 29 | Tue

Four bachelor degree programmes offered by the University of Macau's (UM) Faculty of Science and Technology (FST), name ...

CEE team has been awarded three prize from the 5th National Structure competition
Oct 25 | Tue

The University of Macau team澳門大學代表隊 The 5th National College Students Structure Design Contest has been successfully he ...

Youngsters set out on an exciting research journey at FST Summer Camps
Jun 19 | Sun

出席嘉賓與科技學院代表主持亮燈儀式 現場設有不同主題的夏令營攤位 The FST Summer Camp 2011, which was organized by the Faculty of Science and Technolo ...

UM hosts international conference on computational mechanics and computational methods in engineering and science
Apr 11 | Mon

澳門大學日前舉辦"計算力學及工程與科學計算方法的發展學術會議",促進國際間的學術交流和合作,並慶祝EPMESC系列國際學術會議邁向二十五周年及澳大三十周年校慶。會議於澳門大學艾德森高等教育中心舉行,多位來自葡萄牙、澳洲、美國、比利時、德國 ...

The Evolution of Geographic Language from Map to GIS to Virtual Geographic Environments
土木及環境工程系講座 – “從地圖到GIS和虛擬地理環境- 地理學語言的演變”
Feb 12 | Sat

香港中文大學太空與地球資訊科學研究所所長林琿教授 由澳門大學科技學院土木及環境工程系舉辦的講座 - "從地圖到GIS和虛擬地理環境- 地理學語言的演變"於2011年2月11日澳大中葡樓舉行。講座由林琿教授主講。 林琿1980年畢業於武漢測 ...

Dec 03 | Fri

澳門大學科技學院土木及環境工程系博士生慕何青在「第八屆全國土木工程研究生學術論壇」(The 8th National Civil Engineering forum for Graduate Students – NCEFGS 2010) ...

The 4th National Competition of Structural Design, 12-15 November 2010, Harbin Industry University, Harbin, China
澳大學生參加由黑龍江省哈爾濱工業大學主辦之 『第四屆全國大學生結構設計競賽』
Nov 16 | Tue

The UM Team members 澳門大學團隊 The 4th National Competition of Structural Design Contest has been successfully held on Har ...

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