
DPC of FST successfully hosted “Novel eco-friendly material summer camp 2023” for students from local secondary schools. 科技學院物理及化學系成功為本地中學生舉辦“新型環保材料夏令營2023”
Jul 17 | Mon

  On 11-12 July 2023, Department of Physics and Chemistry (DPC) of Faculty Science and Technology (FST) successful ...

FST Seminar Series: “Engineering Carbonaceous Anode Interfacial Chemistry toward Better Potassium Ion Battery” by Prof. Jilei LIU
May 29 | Mon

  Prof. Jilei LIU from Hunan University gave a talk entitled ‘Engineering Carbonaceous Anode Interfacial Chemistry ...

UM’s FST holds the 2nd symposium and final year project exhibition
May 25 | Thu

The Faculty of Science and Technology (FST) of the University of Macau (UM) recently held the second FST Symposium and ...

FST Seminar Series: “Advanced Electrocatalysts for Water Electrolysis under the Carbon Neutrality Scenarios ” by Prof. Jin-Song HU
May 02 | Tue

  Prof. Jinsong Hu from Institute of Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) gave a talk entitled ‘Advanced E ...

New Master Program “Science in Innovative Materials” is Now Open for Application-理學碩士學位(創新材料)課程現正招生
Feb 08 | Wed

  A new Master program-Master of Science in Innovation Materials is Now open for application. For more details of ...

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