• 2024 Test of Time Award

C. LUO,  J. ZHAN, Z. JIA, L. WANG,  G. LU,  L.ZHANG,  CZ. XU , N.SUN, CloudRank-D: benchmarking and ranking cloud computing systems for data processing applications. Frontiers of Computer Science, Springer & Higher Education Press,  2012:6(4) 

  • Best Paper Awards 
    • [SoCC’2021] Shutian LuoHuanle XuChengzhi LuKejiang YeGuoyao XuLiping ZhangYu DingJian HeChengzhong Xu: Characterizing Microservice Dependency and Performance: Alibaba Trace Analysis. SoCC 2021: 412-426 (Best Paper Award)
    • [HPDC’2003] Xiangping BuJia RaoCheng-Zhong Xu:
      Interference and locality-aware task scheduling for MapReduce applications in virtual clusters. HPDC 2013: 227-238 (Best Paper Nominee)
    • [HPCA’2023] Jia RaoKun WangXiaobo ZhouCheng-Zhong Xu: Optimizing virtual machine scheduling in NUMA multicore systems. HPCA 2013: 306-317 (Best Paper Nominee) 
    • [Cluster ‘2016] Dayal DilliKenneth B. KentYang WangCheng-Zhong Xu: A Low Disk-Bound Transaction Logging System for In-memory Distributed Data Stores. CLUSTER 2016: 11-20 (Best Paper Award)
    • [ICPP’2005] Song FuCheng-Zhong Xu: Service Migration in Distributed Virtual Machines for Adaptive Grid Computing. ICPP 2005: 358-365 (Best Paper Nominee)
    • [HPBD&IS’2019] Best Paper Award, International Conference on High Performance Big Data and Intelligent Systems (HPBD&IS), 2019
    • [GPC’2018] Gengrui ZhangCheng-Zhong Xu:
      An Efficient Consensus Protocol for Real-Time Permissioned Blockchains Under Non-Byzantine Conditions. GPC 2018: 298-311 (Best Paper Award)
    • [UIC’2018] Lingfang ZengWei ShiFan NiSong JiangXiaopeng FanCheng-Zhong XuYang Wang:
      SHAstor: A Scalable HDFS-Based Storage Framework for Small-Write Efficiency in Pervasive Computing. UIC 2018: 1140-1145 (Best Paper Award)
    • [AIMS’2019] Yuhang ZhangWensi YangWanlin SunKejiang YeMing ChenCheng-Zhong Xu:
      The Constrained GAN with Hybrid Encoding in Predicting Financial Behavior. AIMS 2019: 13-27 (Best Paper Award)
    • [IEEE Edge’2020] Tongzheng SunJingpan XiongYang WangTianhui MengXi ChenCheng-Zhong Xu:
      RS-pCloud: A Peer-to-Peer Based Edge-Cloud System for Fast Remote Sensing Image Processing. EDGE 2020: 15-22 (Best Paper Award)

其他奖项 Others:

    • CCF 优秀博士论文奖(student advisor), 2024
    • 中科院大学优秀博士论文奖(student advisor), 2024
    • NSFC 海外杰青, 2010
    • 国家特聘专家,2011
    • 广东省领军人才,2011
    • IEEE Fellow Computer Society),  2015
    • Fellow, Asia-Pacific Artificial Intelligence Association (AAIA), 2022
    • “IEEE Outstanding Service Award”, IEEE Technical Committee on Distributed Processing (TCDP), 2021.
    • “云原生系统智能调度管控技术”, 阿里巴巴优秀创新研究计划(AIR)奖, 2022
    • “时空查询和挖掘关键技术研究”,ZTE 优秀合作奖 , 2015
    • ”城市交通感知融合与智能推演技术及应用”, 广东省技术发明二等奖(第一完成人)2023
    • 深圳市技术发明二等奖(第一完成人),2023
    • ”中兴通讯CoCloud云计算创新解决方案及产业化应用“,中国电子学会科技进步一等奖,2014
    • ”区域交通网络运行监测与协同管控关键技术及应用“, 建设部华夏建设科技进步一等奖, 2019
    • xCloud: An Integrated Cloud Computing Infrastructure and System, 中国计算机大会优秀成果奖, 2011
    • Second Prize of “CVPR Security AI Challenge” , organized by UIUC/Tsinghua/Ali Cloud, 2021 (student advisor)
    • President’s Award for Excellence in Teaching,  Wayne State University,  2003
    • Career Development Chair, Wayne State University, 2003